Engineered Tool Sales Now Offering Stanley Vidmar Cabinets

Stanley Vidmar CabinetsEngineered Tool Sales announced today that they are now an official distributor of Stanley Vidmar high density cabinets. According to Kurt Hague, owner of Engineered Tool Sales, he is excited to be representing their brand: “The Stanley Vidmar brand is synonymous with quality and we are very pleased to be representing their product line.”

Hague further shared that adding Stanley Vidmar to their stable of products was a strategic move. “These products compliment our existing menu of cabinets by adding a wide array of vertical storage solutions. Having Stanley Vidmar in our product mix makes us better equipped than ever to meet the needs of our clients.”

Follow this link for more information on Stanley Vidmar high density industrial cabinets, or contact Kurt Hague directly at (215) 661-0505.